December Energy 2023

Neptune (7th), Chiron (27th) & Jupiter (31st) Go Direct

When a planet changes direction, the energy is stronger and more intensified/pronounced so these dates are when we can feel the impact of these planets changing direction. 

Neptune going direct on the 7th December hopefully brings with it the energy of unconditional love and unity consciousness to a much-needed warring world. Ponder: Where are you at war in yourself and in your life?  

Chiron goes direct very soon after the lovely full Moon in Cancer. The wounded healer (Chiron) gets some much needed support for us to feel into our vulnerabilities and bring with it the capacity to nurture ourselves. 

Jupiter goes direct on the 30/31st and also goes conjunct Uranus. This is such good news and auspicious that it happens at the start of the new calendar year. Jupiter also has one of the most anticipated Astro events of 2024 by many in the astrological community. What would you like to expand in you/your life in 2024?  

New Moon in Sagittarius - 12/13th December

This adventurous new Moon is conjunct Mars and brings an extra amount of chutzpah to the fiery new Moon. New Moons like new things and Sagittarius is all about adventure. Coupled with Mars, gives the impetus to have those those adventures. So put on your triathlon shoes and get running, cycling, and swimming towards those BIG expanded adventures. Make the plans and use Mars to put it into action - register your interest in a retreat in Bali in August for example… ; ) !

Uranus is also in the mix so expect some unforeseen events. 

Mercury Retorgrade - 13th December

Mercury retros have common themes but different flavours. This one is squaring Neptune so it has the capacity to bring a little extra brain fog and confusion and the dissolving of thought forms. If you are finding it a little tricky to hold ideas at this time, this is why. Consider yourself forewarned about backing up your tech and if you are thinking of purchasing anything with moving parts (especially tech) get your purchases done now or leave them till later (after new year). 

Retro energies are always strong when they start and finish. If you are a Gemini or a Virgo rising, you will be feeling it. 

Capricorn Season Starts and Solstice - 21//22nd December  

Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st and as always, we have Solstice. This is a great time to honour dark and light, especially those things that light you up, your inner light, and perhaps the light of something greater. Also acknowledge the lessons of the darkness, and the growth it brings; honouring the opportunity for rest, rejuvenating and regenerating that the dark also brings.

Capricorn always marks Solstice and no matter wherever you are in the world (moving into more light or less), get in touch with Capricornia themes - like becoming your own authority, trusting your wisdom, mastering time, accessing your determination, and never, ever giving up!    

Full Moon in Cancer 26/27th December

I will be running an healing journey meditation on the 27th where you can come and learn all about this watery, nurturing, and delightful Full Moon. With the power of these energies supporting us, we prepare to say goodbye to 2023 and start to let go of the things that have held us back.


October Energy 2023