October Energy 2023

October has plenty of Astro energy flying at us, it is a big month with two Eclipses, Pluto going direct, and Mars, the Sun, and Mercury all enter Scorpio! These are great BIG energies.

This first week of October is a beautiful first week of the month without too much going on. Despite the current weather and climate in some states of Australia giving us a sense of chaos, the energy hitting the planet (and us) feels gentle. There is no feeling of urgency pushing in on us (which we had a lot of in Sept/Aug), it is quite a nice flowy vibe.

In the month of October overall, I sense a fluctuation between drama, completion, and passion. It looks like energetically deep magentas, dramatic dark blues (like storm clouds), and beautiful streams of azure blue. These colours are a direct reflection of the cosmology and astro energies hitting the planet. There are beautiful pockets of peace and bliss in there too! Of course this is what I wish for you (the peace and bliss part)!

October 11th - Pluto goes direct

Lots of planets have started to move direct and Pluto is next in line to do so. Pluto is associated with power and transformation. YES it is epic! Pluto is the God of the underworld in Roman Mythology and is often associated with wealth and the realm of the unseen. If you have been contemplating your riches and heavy transformations, you would be in alignment with Plutos current journey. Pluto is traversing its last months in Capricorn, giving us a final chance to transform our relationships with work, power, wealth, and authority. On January 20th Pluto re-enters Aquarius and will not be back in Capricorn in this lifetime (unless you are planning to live another 248 years). You will be feeling this if you are a Cancer, Capricorn, Libra & Aries with any planets/angles in the 25-29 degree mark.

October 14th - New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra

Eclipses put us where we need to be and this one comes with a feeling of endings AND new beginnings. The Libran element gives us some discerning energy to think about what we might like to complete/finish, and where we might like to re-direct to, particularly with respect to relationships.October 22nd-23rd - Mercury and the Sun enter Scorpio

October 22nd-23rd - Mercury and the Sun enter Scorpio

Scorpio season starts strongly with Mercury joining the Sun and Mars all in the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio says let’s go deeper - ‘I want to know you, feel you, see you, hear you, touch you!’ Scorpio is intense, passionate, and wants to know what lies beneath… With Mercury and Mars also in Scorpio we get a lot of drive and clarity to push into our passions and our POWER. Go get em!

October 28th - Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus

This is the final Eclipse of the year 2023, and I’ve gotta say there is a lot of support with this one, with Jupiter (the great benefic) on side (conjunct). The energy of luck love and good times are grounded into this eclipse with another Grand Earth Trine bringing earthly delights into the mix.

All that being said, if there is something you are procrastinating on or something that is not serving you currently you may get a big wakeup call. So do the work! Get your little duckies in a row and chuck out all the stuff that you know deep down is not good for you and enjoy the Eclipse season!!! Make a plan and go for it!


December Energy 2023


Virgo Season 2023