Gemini Season 2023
Eclipses and Mercury retrograde are sooo last season my friends!! And thank F#*K!!
The New Moon in Taurus is here and it is quite powerful with the moon joining four planets & the Nth Node in this earthy, grounded sign. This is a nice welcome energy from the hectic energies of the eclipses and marks the start of a new cycle. More than ever, during this New Moon feel the Earth under your feet. Better yet, stick your bum on the ground and feel the Earth energies flow up through your base chakra - stable and strong. The Earth will hold you. Your connection to the planet, the trees and plants is REAL, it is constant and constantly evolving. This is where we can come home and sigh into the deepest part of our physical selves. Our HOME. This planet!
New Moons are generally great for starting new things and this sensory New Moon is no exception. Pluto and Jupiter are squaring off at zero degrees in Aquarius and Taurus (13/14-20th May). This means visionary moments - at ground zero, and transformative energy that can change things in a grounded, earthy, and powerful way. For better or worse, Jupiter expands what it touches and Pluto transforms and exposes the truth. Think on that for a minute, and have a think about what is happening to you and on Earth…?
With five planets all actively having a tea party in Taurus, it means that the Taurean energy is strong in all ways. Because of this, you may find:
Yourself wanting to communicate in grounded ways (in person rather than by email, etc).
You have new inspiration for what you desire most.
You have money and safety at the forefront of your thoughts.
You want to FEEL, TASTE, SMELL, TOUCH, HEAR, and SEE sensory delights.
With Jupiter in the mix, it will expand whatever is happening for you. If you are feeling abundant, happy, healthy, and nourished etc. you will feel more of that (and… vice-versa).
Mars Conjunct Pluto! May 18th/19th
This is a date that jumped out at me in January when I was looking at the year ahead. It feels globally combustive and unstable energetically. Jupiter is expanding the Pluto-Mars conjunction coinciding with the New Moon energies. Take extra care around this time, keep your eye on global events and send love to where it is needed - always remember to send love to yourself first. There is always a reason to love yourself - you got out of bed and brushed your teeth today. Yay!!
Gemini Season (21st May): twin-ing!
Aldebaran, not a train station en route to Hogwarts but one of 4 Royal stars of Persia, aligns with our Sun (May 29th - 31st). This is known as the opening of the Silver Portal (these terms excite my soul!). Aldebaran is the brightest star in the Taurus constellation and follows the Pleiades. It is also known as the Buddha's star, the Star of Illumination, God's Eye, and the Eye of the Bull. Wikipedia says:
‘It has been used for centuries in navigation and is known by many civilisations to be connected with the spirits of rain and the fertility of the Earth. It is said to help bring clarity of mind and concentration. When it aligns with our star the Sun it is a beautiful time to open to your higher self and trust your own inherent wisdom.
Gemini the curious social butterfly, has this ‘Silver Portal’ into the mind and higher self. As frivolous and fun as Gemini can be, it also has great depth and access to the higher self with this gorgeous gateway sitting in the start of the season. If you are wanting to start something that needs this spiritual support this is a wonderful time to align with the energies of the higher mind. Things like creative endeavours (writing, painting, photography, dance etc), meditations, healing, channelling and psychic pursuits.
Gemini is an Air sign and the mind can become very busy at this time. Remember to take time to look after your physical body; your personal walking, talking, and breathing temple. Gemini symbolises the physical and the metaphysical. The twins are one mortal and one immortal. The Body and the Soul. If you find yourself pondering why am I here? What is my Soul path? What is my Soul? The Silver Portal is activating your high self and asking you to be curious. This is the curious twin, of the two parts of yourself (Soul and Body). How beautiful to bring them together in your thoughts, your mind, your body, and your world.
When I was asking for guidance in life from one of my amazing teachers, they used to say to me, ‘what would love do?’ This is where I would find the answer. I have taken this and run with it into my life, and it has served me so well (and my clients!).
Pondering LOVE is a great way to bring the soul and the body the human together.
Love is strong.
Love has self-respect.
Love receives.
Love gives.
Love shows us where there is none.
Love makes more love.
Love is everything.