Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
I hope this finds you well and that you are receiving eclipse blessings. The shift from the solar eclipse energies (active, physical, and initiating) into the lunar eclipse energies (introspective and emotional) has been polarising and powerful. The energies have been as different as night and day!
This is a South Node eclipse, which has to do with our past, and our past lives. So if you find you are reminiscing/thinking about old cycles, past events, people, and places, this is why.
Scorpio wants us to go deep and traverse the inner realms of our psyche - into the bedrock of our shame and pain (so fun, NOT! …third eye roll). Scorpio wants us to face it and transform it! Things that are incomplete, or that you thought were complete, may come up for another turn around the spiral of your world. The eclipse is giving us that opportunity to face it, do what you can with it, and surrender.
On this Eclipse the Moon will go through her cycle: from full, to waning, to dark, to waxing, and full again. This normally 29 day-cycle will happen in only 4 hrs and 18 mins! This is a super powerful time, and the opportunity is present to close the door on the big stuff! if there is something you are ready to end, shift, or change, this is the night. The powerful eclipse portal, which has been open since the start of the Solar Eclipse (back in April) closes with the ending of lunar eclipse.
If you are not ready to do the work, that is okay. You want to really be committed because the energy is so powerful. If you don’t truly mean it, the energies may bonk you on the head later if you go back to the situation, place, event, habit, way of thinking, etc. I say to you softly and kindly: ‘sometimes inaction can be an ending in itself’. Not all endings require active change, work, or effort; it is just a matter of knowing what kind of ending you need. Some problems/issues you can let be so that they naturally run out of steam - just take your attention away from them.
If you are ready to end something… then go get em tiger! Set your intention on this powerful eve.
This Eclipse is also opposite Uranus, which brings surprising events. Things that are unexpected may happen to help you shift, move, and transform.
My question to you is: Where do you feel eclipsed, overshadowed, held-back, not seen, fearful? Perhaps this is where the energy of this transformational eclipse is for you.
At the Solar Eclipse I listed the symptoms you may be experiencing. Did you notice when these energies shifted into Lunar energies? They are as different as night and day.
Here are some of the things you may be experiencing as a result of the incoming Full Moon Eclipse energies:
Memories that awaken grief, awkwardness, shame, and pain
Physical heaviness/tiredness, especially in the late afternoon
Lethargy (this is also enhanced by Mercury Retro as well)
More emotionally sensitive
Flashes of anger (completely fine and then all of a sudden angry)
High pitched head ringing (not ear ringing) it’s weird
Light code downloads at night (bright flashing behind closed eyes)
Feeling dreamy, floaty, and a bit unfocused (starting a couple of things at once and not completing them)
Feeling like there is a very watery energy running through your body
Awake and aware during the witching hours (2am-5am)
Dreaming of past places and people (asleep and awake)
Not feeling overly social/reclusive
Feeling dreamy and floaty, yet having an active brain around emotional concerns and issues
Fear, moodswings, insomnia, hormonal swings (remember the moon is doing a month’s work for us in four and a bit hours…)
Extra psychic and intuitive - yay!!
If you are feeling fabulous and comfy in this lunar eclipse energies, it is quite likely that you have a lot of Scorpio in your chart and you are quite used to these kinds of energies. Go you! If you have no idea what is where in your chart and you would like to know more, I can do an Astrological Natal chart for you. If you don’t know what that is or you wish to know more about your unique magical life map that is your stars, check it out on the shop page of this website .