July Update

Neptune goes Retro - 1st July (until 7 Dec)

Neptune has gone retrograde, (1st July) and brings back (returns) emotions and feelings of old themes not yet processed and completed. Neptune is another watery/along with the moon (cancer season) planet so you may feel like you are floating around and not quite catching what is happening. Trust your intuition on what is happening internally, slow down, and listen to where your tides want to take you.

Neptune in retro dissolves illusion so there may be some quite big moments of pulling back the curtain and revealing something that was there all along. These can be beautiful moments or shocking and distressing. It depends on what is happening to you. I am here for support if you need

Full Super (Buck) Moon in Capricorn - July 3rd

Venus is currently in its shadow, so we may be being shown what we need to let go of. (More info on Venus in the previous post) with this in mind, this full moon is an excellent time to do a stocktake and clear out and address things like relationships that no longer serve you.

The energies of this full moon will give us the opportunity and inspiration to do the work we know we need to do.  It may feel heavy, but know you have the support of Spirit always around you to overcome any perceived weight on your shoulders (I am also here for healings & guidance sessions).

The energy of this full moon is asking you to keep your adult in charge and support yourself with what you need. Inner child tanties are not going to work in this energy and will not get you what you want, or where you want to go.

Sirius Gateway - July 4 to 8

This gateway opens as our physical Sun aligns with Sirius, our Spiritual Sun. The alignment brings us high-frequency energy to warm our souls and offer us the opportunity to evolve to higher levels of consciousness.    

This is a beautiful time to call in the higher frequencies of the energy of Sirius. Ask for your soul to be ignited through the heart chakra and for your third eye to be lit up by the light of Sirius.

If you have time and inclination, journey in meditation with this in mind to the planet Sirius (there are actually 2 stars, Sirius A & B - but think of the energy as one). Take your cat or dolphin ; )

New Moon in Cancer - July 17th

With this New Moon opposite Pluto, expect themes surrounding power to emerge. This includes where we lack (personal) power and where we are powerful in our lives and how we exert that power over others (or how they exert it over us). As New Moons bring the opportunity to start something new, this one brings the chance to move forward in a powerful way that supports you and the people around you. 

Ask yourself:

  • Where am I powerful?

  • Where am I lacking power?

Take note and use the energies of the New Moon to find balance where you need to.

This New Moon is also trine Neptune (in Pisces) which makes it quadruply watery with the Moon & Neptune in their home signs. Emotions may be enhanced at this time or even doubled, tripled, or perhaps quadrupled (eek! I hope it is to do with the emotions of Joy and Bliss for you!!) Be kind to yourself and your loved ones. Always remember to put love first - something that Cancerians are good at. 


Leo Season


Venus in Leo