Leo Season
This Leo Season feels a little different than the big-hearted Lion season that it normally brings. All the planetary retro action in the mix means the energies are a little slower and reflective. It doesn’t mean you can’t slip on your cat suit and roar centre-stage but there is a lot happening that may make you feel a little quieter than usual at this time.
Venus in Leo demands that relationships are up for re-vamping, re-starting, ending, and re-thinking. Try not to fall head over heels in love until the start of September 4th to be exact…Heh heh. Remember if you fall in love in retrograde it doesn’t stick (it will be for a reason, a season but not a lifetime). It’s a good time for a fling or three though ; )
The lionsgate portal opens on August the 8th and we have a gorgeous opportunity to expand through the heart and third eye.
There are also two full moons in the month of August which makes the second one a blue moon for you crooners…
Venus in Leo
Big-hearted Leo and Venus are continuing their sensational dance, and now the Sun has arrived to shine light on all the façades, the triumphs, the quiet moments, and the past. If you are feeling particularly nostalgic, and questioning the choices that you have made that got you to where you are now, you are right on track with the energies. So many big celestial bodies are retrograding bringing a lot to reflect on (see below).
Venus retro is giving us a chance to love, to question that love, and then to move back into love again; different, changed, and more aligned. This is what retrogrades do. Wherever the heart needs healing this will more than likely be activated.
Venus is not only our relationships, (all kinds) she is also our money, art and beauty. She is what we desire in the world. She is the sparkly glittery object in the sky our evening and morning star (of my heart). And of course she is also a being of great love and compassion. The goddess. We can see our devotion to insert any of the above themes to be up for scrutiny, change and re-aligning.
If you have lots of planets in your chart in Leo you will be feeling the epic-ness of the month. I am sending huge huge amounts of love to those of you that I know have Leo placements! If you want to know more about your Astor chart you can order one from me on the shop page of this website.
Did anyone say catnap with some catnip? I think I will be the Lion on the desert sleeping the catnip slumber. The energies may be taking a toll and as I said in a previously - take naps and anything else you need to do to reset and refresh. It will help.
Retro Party - Dress to Regress… Or reflect perhaps.
At the end of Leo season Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Chiron, & Pluto, will all be in Retrograde, Uranus will join the retrograde party on the 29th. The planets that are closest to Earth are the ones we tend to notice and feel the most so will will feel the effects of Venus and Mercury the most. Venus is the star of the show this year. You can read more about Venus and Leo here (I wrote about her at the start of June.) We all know about our friend Mercury retrograde and the opportunities that are presented.
Full Moon in Aquarius - 2nd August AEST 4.32am AEST
The energy of FREEDOM is coming in strong this full moon in Aquarius. Remember the full moon illuminates what is already there, and amplifies it. We may find a rebellious heart coming to the forefront inside us, as well as social justice themes, thoughts of community, equality, and human rights. Bring it! We all know humanity needs more of this, especially in some places. The Aquarius full moon brings up the awareness that we are more than the sum total of ourselves. We are deeply connected to so much more beyond ourselves! With that in mind the Full Moon in Aquarius is also known as the Friendship Moon, with Venus also in retrograde we can see friendship themes highlighting during this Full Moon. Will you dance the night away with your chosen family? Grab someones hand and moon gaze together telling each other how much you admire the moon and how the light falls so gorgeously on your bestie!
Invite your tribe in on this full moon.
‘Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.’
Anaïs Nin
This Full Moon I am pondering…
Where are my deep friendships?
Is their beautiful reciprocity within them?
Who do I miss and want to reconnect with?
How is my primary relationship, my relationship with me?
A little tip: I won’t explain this, but the full moon energy feels auspicious so it is a good day for finances, making investments, etc.
Lions Gate Portal Opens - 8th August
The Lions gate is at its peak on the 8th August and a you may feel the activation of a higher calling. This will be through your third eye and it would be great if you can do some work with your solar plexus chakra and the third eye.
The Lion’s Gate is on the 8/8 every year and is when Sirius A (blue sun or our spiritual sun), the Earth and the Sun (in the sign of Leo), align with the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx.
New Moon in Leo - 16th August
The new moon brings delicious fresh energy to propel you forward with joy, so shake your mane and let the lion energies move through you. Get out the catnip and dream a new vision of YOU walking confidently through the world. This New Moon, invite courage into your heart, and banish self doubt. The Lion does not question that they are a Lion, they know their power. They embody love and courage and are not afraid to shine. Even in sleep Lions will sleep in the open, confident that they are safe in the world.
Be the Lion. Be assured that you are in exactly the right place at the right time, and if you feel things are not aligned for you at this time USE this energy to bolster and help you to shift confidently. Move, change, try something new, and if doesn’t work try something else, and so on …
If you are feeling really aligned and delicious, walk out into the world and imagine the sun is shining brightly out of you, a pride of lions behind you.